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Quick Post About Tonight's Sonic Youth Concert (revised)

(revised portion)

The day after my (hastily made) post I found a lot of pictures and a video from the SY show, here in Shanghai, so I'm adding them to my original post. (4 days later, I know. Hey I'm busy; like Pesci said in Goodfellas "whado-ya wanfromme?")

First off lets talk about the venue; it was like an opera house type place where orchestras play and pretentious rich people go to use their golden binoculars. Just gorgeous, prettiest place I ever saw a band play at. It sounded amazing too; just a great small venue!

Seat view:

Stage view:

As for the band, they rocked! (as I mentioned before) Here’s some pictures other people took from the show in Shanghai.

The core four (LtoR) Lee, Steve, Kim and Thurston


Thurston (creating noise basically)

Kim (I like to kick and stretch and kick! I'm 50! {53})


Lee and Mark Ibold (the bassist from Pavement)

Lee and Thurston 'sword fight'

Photos by Magnovich, Swing James, and Shanghaiist.com

Incinerate - Live in Shanghai (ya the audio is sketchy but that's the camera's fault)

John has a pretty good post about our evening over on his blog.

I'm still 'getting around' to posting the video I took onto youtube. But fear not (not that you were going to) I have the week off this week so I should be getting caught up on all kinds of blog goodness.

(original post)

I'm gonna put in a quick post about my evening.

Tonight was one of the most amazing/random concerts I've been to. I can't begin to understand why Sonic Youth decided to come play concerts in China but man am I glad they did!

I'll post some of the video i took on youtube later this week and include it in a follow up post.


Main Set:
-Do You Believe In
-Turquoise Boy
-(I Got A) Catholic Block
-What A Waste
-Silver Rocket
-Skip Tracer
-Jams Run Free
-Pink Steam

Encore 1:
-Teenage Riot
-Kool Thing

Encore 2:
-Brother James
-Shaking Hell

photo by Magnovich


Mat Brewster said...

I'm knew to the internets. Could you teach me how to use it? I'm mainly interested in looking at boobies. Where do I find those?

The Bates Dynasty said...

i'm not sure i understand the previous comment